May you come home to yourself

Empowering Paths to Wellness

Embody’s mission is to empower individuals to lovingly connect to themselves so that they can live confidently.

Whether you are seeking to heal from past trauma, reach personal wellness goals, or deepen your sense of connectedness and balance, Embody can support you on your journey.


Honoring Your Body’s Wisdom

My approach is rooted in the belief that you have an inner wisdom that knows what’s best for you. You are the expert, I am the guide.

Your body is a dynamic, complex system that holds memories, speaks, and constantly fights for you. I emphasize the connection between your emotional, mental, and physical self in both therapy and yoga.

Get started with Embody.


For specific questions and inquiries about Embody services please contact me here!

You can also schedule a free 15-minute consultation to chat with me about my services and which would be the best fit for you. (See below!)